
Resident Contact Information for Families

Phone 01382 533376 - 3 lines

Skype - stmarysresidents@outlook.com
Facetime - stmaryscarehome@icloud.com or dunkeldcare@icloud.com

Please phone before Skype or Facetime to make sure someone is available to help with this.

Email us with messages and we will read out to your family member.
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Happy New Year to everyone. We hope you all had a lovely festive season.

We have had a few changes here at St Marys. By now most of you will know that Sheena has retired and I Mel Burns have stepped into her shoes along with our new  Deputy Manager Emma Morrison, we are both looking forward to the year ahead and many more.

Our Christmas raffle raised £374.00,  all proceeds goings towards our residents comfort fund. Thank you to everyone who donated and bought tickets.

Remember, if you have any cold or flu symptoms or showing any signs of illness,  please avoid visiting St Marys.  This is to keep all our residents and staff safe.  If any of these get into our Care Home it could be detrimental to all of us.  

Mel & Emma


Minibus outings are on Wednesday afternoons.
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